Heeeeeeeere's Friendly. . . . up to his tricks again. Not only does he choose not to believe that he lives outside, but as you can see, he's also in major denial about his 18 pound size. If you're not acquainted with our cat Friendly (and no, he is not), feel free to read about what I call the "Friendly Occupation"
here, and
Cats and boxes...they go together!
My younger cat, Melody, will try to sit in the smallest box or even boxes with stuff in them. What is it with cats and boxes?
So funny...I will email my real comment to you later...it's off color. Imagine that.
off color from the burp cloth babe???? i am horrified!!!! i thought she was opposed to potty mouth!!!!
ok, about your post...this cracks me UP!!! mr madison will crawl immediately into any box or bag that is on the floor...one day tanner {he is much bigger than mr madison...yes, he has weight issues} tried to emulate mr madison...unfortunately for him...he got STUCK in the bag and FREAKED out...he was running frantic laps around the house while still half "in the bag"...SO funny!!! it took me forever to catch him and get him out he was in such a panic...poor kitty...
LOL! This is so my crew- doesn't matter the size, if it's paper & box shaped, they'll crawl in, despite all the spare parts that hang out :-)
Lori's story cracked me up! That happen with our youngest, who simply adores bags- as she was crawling out of a small shopping bag, she went out thru the handle, which naturally hung up halfway down her belly. The crashing & wails of the 7 lb cat trying to get away from the bag were nothing compared to the howls of laughter from the humans.
Cat-in-a-box! So cute!
He looks completely comfortable!
My Katie used to do the same thing.
Very nice picture!
Why why why must they find the smallest boxes!!lol. Laurie
Friendly is tooo cute!!!! I guess he must have needed to feel snug....lol...he sure has himself squished in that box!!!
Cathy ~ May your Friday the 13th be filled with magick! '-)
PS: Cute kitty pic!
Spooky Hugs,
Friendly is a true fat cat.
Hi Ya! I had to pop over and see who only reads the first few PW comments! LOL! I have to admit I do the same thing, Whew, I don't know how she reads all of them! Thanks for stoppin by, I love your site, how refreshing!Your style is great! I really love your "Store Front" watercolor! I will definatley be coming back here!
Maybe Friendly is thinking he might be getting shipped out sometime(seeing you ship out your creations) and wanted to save you the hassle of finding him a box.
To Sweet!!!!
I think I'm in LOOOOOOOVE! What a cutie! My daughter's cat Tarbaby used to love paper bags & the laundry basket. I'd put the empty basket on the floor, she'd immediately hop in (as tho' she were getting away with something) and would sit veeeery still. (Like I couldn't SEE a tail & an ear sticking out from the basketweave. Silly old kitty!) This brought back such nice memories! Thank you, Friendly for looking so adorable!
Too cute!
Cute comfy kitty!
LOL!! What a great pic of Friendly!! He's quite the funny one:o)!
Hi Cathy! Thanks for checking my blog out! I love yours, too...You are funny! I do love a humorous blog!! Your papier mache figures are too, too adorable!
Love, Tammy
Thanks for the visit. I laughed when I saw Friendly. I too have a cat that loves to be in a box, or any type of container really. Looks like your son has a good roomate!
LOL...so sweet. My cat Shadow is in denial too about her size....that's just too darn cute!
What is it about kittehs and boxes...too funny that friendly wants to squeeze in. I love it.
What a cute kitty. They are th cutest things ever. Cat's love boxes and sacks and whatever else that completely makes no sense to curl up in and I think it's adorable...LOL!
I am new to your blog,but ran across Friendly's picture and had to comment.
I think he is in denial that he has "put on a few pounds"!! (I can still fit in this box! I haven't gained any weight!) LOL
I have a Ragdoll kitten that already weighs close to 5 lbs and is not even 4 months old yet! He will most likely weigh between 15 - 18 lbs. He absolutely LOVES paper grocery sacks and also likes to sleep in my granddaughter's "booster seat" at the kitchen table. They are so much fun!
I love the pictures.
YOu just know he's dreaming evil thoughts. BWAAAHAHAHAHAH!!!
LOL ~ that is so darling! My little kitty has chosen to curl up in an unoccupied plant stand. So cute!
Aww what a sweet picture of your kitty!
I just now found your blog and I must say I laughed so hard at your other stories of "Friendly"....ah great fun to read and what a cutie of a kitty at that too. Isn´t it great the places they find to lounge. love cats!!!
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