I've been busy this week painting a nursery (with giant pink polka dots!) for a friend, but had a minute to share (i.e. brag about :-) something my daughter made. I just loved this little horse print from a "woodcut" she did in art class recently. She carved her design onto a thin piece of foam rubber, then made several prints. I might give it a try myself.
[Addendum: And be sure to check Suzanne's blog--she's having a give away.]
Update January 19: Here's the wall which I finished today--You can't really tell how it relates to the rest of the room, but the colors and style coordinate with her bedding, etc. Each dot took about 4 coats of paint to cover the chocolate background. Baby "R" is due on Monday, so we finished in just the nick of time.
Recently I came upon a little link and thought it was kinda fun. It ranks your blog's readability, and somehow it ranked mine as College Level (Undergraduate). I thought I might try scanning and posting a page or two out of my daughter's Calculus book just to see if that might boost my blog's level a notch or two. [Note: I guess it doesn't rank the blog author's technological competency level, because I tried 8 times to load the link they provided with my "grade" and failed every time. That probably puts me with the pre-schoolers. At least I passed the "Draw Me" test on the front of a matchbook cover.]
[P.S. I've been tossing a few ideas around in my head for a couple of swaps. Hope all that tossing around hasn't loosened something up or broken anything--I probably need to hang on to every brain cell that's left. :-) I'll be posting some pics soon (of my ideas, not my brain!), hopefully. And I'm having a SALE at my website.]