One of my favorite blogs, Catching Fireflies, is having a giveaway. They're giving away 10 lovely pearl necklaces and the way to enter is simple. Just go to Catching Fireflies' BLOG POST and answer the question:

What pearls of wisdom has your mother passed on to you, or what pearls of wisdom do you hope to pass on to your children?
Hurry over to THEIR BLOG by Thursday, May 7 (no registration or sign-up required.) On Friday they will choose their favorite wisdom comment and then post the 10 pearls of wisdom winners on the blog that afternoon.

If you have time, it would be fun if you'd share your pearls here too. For the record, my mom did not teach me to knit, or sew, or swim. But she did instill in me a sense of right and wrong, of perserverance, of fairness, of faith, and of duty. She also has given me advice about cooking, child-rearing (yes, even potty training), and sometimes even decorating. She's been a rock when I needed strength, a shoulder when I needed to cry, and an ear when I needed to sound off. My mother has been, and continues to be, a treasured blessing and I consider her my very best friend.
Hi Cathy,
What a nice tribute to your Mom.
Thanks for the compliment on my whale....I guess I should have updated my blog.....
Sorry your show was a wash out, had one of those myself and it's no fun.Outdoor shows are such a gamble.
Have a Happy Mother's Day!!
your mom sounds like a wonderful lady Cathy!!! my mom {and my sister too} is my best friend...she has been an amazing role model to me and the best grandmother to my boys!!!
Thanks so much Cathy for sharing our giveaway with your blog fans - and what heart warming words about your mom:) Happy Mother's Day!
Your Mom sounds wonderful! And pretty much like mine was! :D Happy Mother's Day.
It sounds like your mother gave you the important things in life. The beautiful loving blessings that blessed your life forever.
My mother actually picked my wife for me. The truth be known my wife has stated that she married me because my mother was part of the deal. Although she left us in 1996, I shall always be in debt to her for the foresight she provided. Happy mothers day to the most special women i have ever known.
Hi Cathy ~ Just purchased your B&W vintage-style Halloween star ornie from the STJ shoppe @ Etsy! It will look GREAT on my 2009 Halloween tree!
Have a great weekend.
SpOOky CK (-:
Happy Mother's Day..m.
Happy Mother's Day, Cathy. Your Mom sounds like a very special lady.
Hope you enjoy your day and make more memories with your family.
Hello Cathy~I am brand new to your blog..I found you on Johanna Parker's blog...Your mother sounds lovely and what a special post! Your art work is amazing! And just the little that I've read tonight from your blog has made me laugh out loud more than a few times! (:
Our oldest daughter and her husband lives just outside Atlanta as well, along with our only two grandchildren.(We live eight and ahalf hours away in Ohio, and I'm trying not to be bitter!)lol! Sorry such a long post! Happy Mother's Day! Blessings~Kathy
Wonderful blog! Blessings from Amy!
Happy Mother's Day blessings,
kari & kijsa
My mom taught me to cook without using a recipe- ever! It has been a priceless skill for this busy mom!
Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!
My mom always taught me to be true to myself. Always. She has offered me unconditional support even when I am wrong. I have to talk to her daily! :)
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