Today was my first local craft/art show in several years and I looked forward to a great weekend of selling, selling, selling. My "chickens" were already counted, and I was dreaming about what I would buy, buy, buy with the proceeds. Well, sell-out, this was not. Try. . . wash out.
Here's how the whole sad, soggy tale went down:
As many of you know, I've been really busy with "life" lately, and was behind in my projects. I had already committed to this show and more importantly, had already paid my fee, so I stayed up late for the past few nights frantically trying to catch up. For the life of me I'll never figure out why I always back myself into these impossible corners. Anyway, this morning I got up at 5 AM to do a million last minute things before the show and then my daughter and I headed out on a sunny Saturday to set up my booth. We were running late and most everyone was already set up when we got there, which was a bit embarrassing. My space was smaller than I wanted (the larger spaces had already sold and I was left with one of the smaller ones) and my tent was too large, so we just set up with no cover, and crossed our fingers. After all, there was only a 20% chance of rain. No sooner had I slathered on a half bottle of sunscreen, when I noticed one little dark cloud in the distance. Not to worry, I thought, Al Roker knows his stuff. An hour later, seriously, one rain drop fell then . . . BOOM! instant cloud burst soaking me and most of my stuff within a matter of seconds. I'm not sure if you know this, but water and papier mache figurines do not get along. So I threw what I could into one of my plastic bins and waited for my daughter to bring the car, trying to block the rain with my body. I'm sure I must have looked quite ridiculous: there I was standing spread-eagle over my precious labors of love, trying to be as wide as possible-- and I had on a white t-shirt. White! Let's just say that some of the people in Athens saw way more than they bargained for today. We loaded up the car in the pouring rain and left. It rained off and on all day (thanks a lot Al) so I guess I made the right decision to leave.
So what have I learned today? I learned that it is always a good idea to bring a tarp, to plan ahead, to pay the extra $25 for a larger space, and to remember that a 20% chance of rain in Georgia in the springtime really means 100%. I also learned not to wear a white shirt, and to never, ever count my chickens before they're hatched, especially when it might rain.
Oh Cathy,
I am laughing with you not at you! My, my you poor thing. This is the type of stuff that usually happens to me, white tee shirt and all. It will be better next time
Awww Cathy, BEEN THERE, DONE THAT!! And I don't want to ever do it again!
You poor gal. We were down in Iowa at a large outdoor show...well it was like a typhoon went through.
Turned umbrellas inside out and picked my then 5 year old daughter off the ground, while trying to walk back to our van.
We were soaked, 90% of our handmades were ruined. It was so sad. I feel for you and I know exactly how you feel.
I do love all of your handmades. Especially your All Halloween Handmades. I hope you were able to salvage some of them works of heart.
I think we all count our chickens, before they hatch.
I hope tomorrow is better for you.
Big Hugs,
oh so sorry! That last big boutique I did last year was 1/2 inside and 1/2 outside. we were out side and most of my paper crafted treaures kept on getting blown about by sudden and frequent gust of winds!
Cathy, I'd laugh if, I didn't feel like crying for you!!
However, I'm a little miffed as to why you didn't post a pic of yourself in the white t-shirt. (Just kidding!)
I'm sorry you had such a lousy day!
Oh I'm sorry I feel for you! I've done art shows with my husband and sometimes things can get crazy! I wish you better luck at your next show!
How frustrating! I'm so sorry! Al owes you big time!
Ohno, Cathy.. I haven't had the show experience, but this sounds like the worst possible!! I hope you were able to salvage your goodies, though.. and thank you for sharing. (I think the white t-shirt tip will forever be in my mind!!)
We'll think positive -- Your next show has GOT to be sunny and dry!
I have sooooooooo been there - bad space, torrnential downpour, wind, counting my chickens - even an April ice storm once - the worst!
No, I take that back - the worst was a 105 degree day in Columbia, PA, when they assigned us a space right next to a very loud polka band - by noon I was ready to take a hostage, lol....
No more outdoor shows for me. ;)
Maybe you can have a web sale with some of the pieces?
~ Carolee
Oh Honey, I'm soooo sorry! I hope you were able to salvage most of it. I've only done a couple of outdoor shows, and it was Feb. Let me say, I will NEVER make that mistake again. There is not enough coffee in the world to warm up cold feet.
I hope it all worked out good in the end. As usual though you put a spin on it that put a grin on my face....
I am so so sorry that happened to you . I hope that the art that got wet you are able to fix.
Wow!!! I am really sorry.
What an awful thing to have happen. What a wonderful attitude you have about learning from it! Good for you! Hope that your beautiful pieces weren't damaged too much by the rain!
Oh ya poor darlin. I have been there and done that as well. It is so sad to even think of your wonderful items being ruined. You put so much time and love into them.
I also know the back yourself into the corner mode as that is a regular thing for me. Why I do this to myself is beyond me. Yet I still do it.
I do hope the next show is much better.
It will be I am sure.
Big hugs,Pea
oh, noooooooo...Cathy i am so sorry for you...what a terrible thing...i hope that none of your creations got ruined...i had a white tank top "moment" one time...so i really feel for you on that one...i'm sure the person who witnessed mine is still having nightmares...arrrrrrrgh...
Sorry about your wash out. It has been raining here non-stop in our neck of the woods. I hate it!
xoxo Nita
you have a great attitude and I have also been there done that!! Years of experience and then now I just say no to shows, lol.
Might as well laugh otherwise you will cry!!
Yes, they're valuable lessons. But here in drought-stricken Australia, any rain is good rain!
Oh no! You atleast have lots of things to sell another way now! I hope the rain didn't do too much damage! What a story! Your pieces looked fabulous though!
I am so sorry this happened to you. I know about rain we have been having alot of it here lately...Hugs..m..
You poor dear! Sorry this happened to you! I agree your pieces do look amazing. Hugs! :) tina
Oh, I'm SO sorry! I LOVE all of your fabulous creations. Sadly, the best lessons are learned the hard way!
Hi Cathy
Sounds like you made the best of the worst situation. Boy howdy, have I been there and done that.
It's that Sod's law again...wash the windows, it rains, take papier manche to a fair with no Tarp. it's going to rain..hope they didn't get too damaged.
Ok, I will learn from what you learned...I am going to be in an outdoor sale in Sept, which is an iffy time of year...No white t-shirt! My wool birds wouldn't like the rain either, I'll keep plastic bins near by if there is a "chance" of rain. Laurie
Oh my gosh--so sorry to read about this! It reminds me of a swap meet I was at about 30 years ago in Thousand Oaks, CA; I'd paid for a booth, and, at the time, had been hand painting little scenes on goose eggs that I'd painstakingly emptied and cleaned. It had taken me forever to paint those eggs, and a big wind came up that day, blowing dirt into my eyes and blowing my eggs everywhere, breaking most of them. All that time and effort, gone in an instant! Needless to say, that was my first and last attempt to sell anything that I created. (Not that you should ever give up, of course--I was just done at that point!)
Hi, I'm over from authorblog. Congratulations on the Post of the Day Award!
Oh Cathy!! That just stinks!! I'm soooo sorry girl that you got rained out!! Good Gracious- I'd a cried!!
Glad you saved most of your goods though- and had your daughter there with ya!!
Keep your chin up- and well- try again I say!!
Hugs to ya's!!
Kaniki's Prims & Whims!!
A bummer for sure. I hope none of your beautiful creations got ruined.
Rain refund! Rain refund! Rain refund! (that's my little chant for the host of the show). So sorry about your icky day!
So sorry you had such a bad day. I have been at shows where the wind gusts blew my hand-painted flower pots off the table, and of course, rain, even snow on occasion...
The weather men here have been wrong wrong wrong lately too. I'm going to go out and buy myself a Farmer's Almanac and be done with it...
Yes, I learned my lesson this time. Seriously. Never again, not unless Martha Stewart herself begs me. Maybe then, Maybe.
Let's see....If I understand correctly, I need a tarp, weights, sunscreen, helpers, quick access to a van to throw my stuff in, and probably a nice bottle of wine for afterwards.
Thanks for the link. You are such a hoot! :)
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