On the return trip I realized that 150 miles and a diet coke are not good traveling companions, so we (my bladder and I) decided to stop at a rest area. The premises were neat and clean, but on entering the facilties, we stumbled upon the strangest thing. . . a guest registry displayed prominently on a podium just inside the rest room area; not in a respectable place like the lobby as one might expect, with all of the travel brochures, but inside the actual rest room, where all of the stalls and porcelain thrones are located. Now, I have no problem sharing my personal information in all of the usual places: a wedding guest registry, signing in at a doctor's office, or even giving my name for a survey . . . but in a bathroom?? This was a new one for me. Somehow I'm just not interested in documenting for all of humanity my visit to the little girl's room, I don't care how much diet coke I've consumed. And you never know, one day I may be tapped to run for vice-president, and well, wouldn't the media just looovve to get that little tidbit of information. Besides, as a germ-a-phobe, no way I'm even thinking about touching that feathery pen attached to a bathroom guest registry. (Perhaps you remember my horrors with potty training our daughters and my urgent pleas in public restrooms, "Don't TOUCH ANYTHING!!")
Anyway, Middlest Daughter thought it was great fun, an adventure of sorts, and didn't have the slightest qualm about signing. (So much for my ominous, germs-are-everywhere-and-you-will-die-if-you-touch-anything-in-a-public-restroom-warnings all those years ago. Sigh.) When I looked at the book, there was her John Hancock . . . clearly and proudly etched for all of posterity: "I. P. Freely." Fine parenting, huh? Germs and a neurotic mother and a diet coke are no match for a sassy 17 year old. I'm not sure I will even let her go to college. Does anyone know if they sell Purell by the barrel?
(P.S. I promise that's not her real name. :)
Gosh you ALWAYS make me laugh...Love this story...could only happen to you...sounds like your daughter has your personality too.
That is toooo funny!! Come back and visit me, I just posted more spoons. Laurie
LOL! Your daughter sounds like a ham, that's great! :)
Well, this post gave me a much-needed laugh for the day--you are too funny, and a great writer, you know! Lots of smiles, Jann
thanks for the laugh:)
Oh Cathy! Thank you so much for the LOL! I Realllly needed it today and I know that your blog always makes me giggle! I have seven pre-teen boys on a sleepover at my house right now and my first thought was to share it with them, but then I remembered that I am trying to get them to go to sleep...
My oldest is a big germ-a-phobe. (Not sure where he got it from...) When I share this story with him, he will just die!
Blessings, Patti
Hmmm...Diet Coke! '-P)
Hope you are having a great pre-Halloween weekend Cathy.
Happy Sunday
Potty Mom's lock elbows! I remember potty training & public bathrooms! Gads! I seem to still "cheer on" my teens when we're using public restrooms...I figure the other women in the stalls have these thought bubbles over their heads...blah, blah, blah...! Teehee~ Had to laugh out loud with your note. Thanks for the pick-me-up!
LOL!!! you always crack me up:) i LOVE your new look over here!!!
I great story...and a spunky daughter. I have a son just like her. I still get the yucks when I think about public bathrooms. LOL. Kara
Too funny!!!
Your blog looks beautiful Cathy!
OMG, that is HILARIOUS!! You are so funny!!
OH my! Too funny. I bet the giggle that followed that wit was adorable. Your kids are great!
haha, perfect way to sign. A guest book in the bathroom? that's crazy. I hate public restrooms. And a pen in the restroom? Ewww
By the way, I just love the head on the corn. That's perfect.
Very cute blog. Love your papier mache dolls. Too cute! I tried making one for my children's birthday to use as a pinata. Ha ha, scary site. I don't know how you make them so cute.
How very cheeky!!! LOL! I love it:-)
I'm glad I'm not the only germ-a-phobe in the crowd. Don't even get me started on Pay-phones
... YIKES!!!
BTW~I've seen Purell by the gallon at the school supply shop.
I feel like I need the Purell just to READ the story.....
Taking microbiology in college did me in... I just know more than I want to know about those little microscopic critters....
LOL...sooooo understand on the Purell (Dad doesn't call me Howard Hughes for nothing), LOL. and your daughter sounds like a chip off the old block! Great story! : D
Guest book in potty-very strange! I like your sassy 17 yr old!
Happy weekend...m..
OMG!! Too hilarious!! It's been too long since I've stopped by and as always I am entertained!! LOL
Have a Happy Halloween!!
Too funny!! Although we do believe that diet coke does give any mom special powers!!! LOL!!
kari & kijsa
hahahahahah...this made me laugh out loud.
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