Sugar and Spice. Sweet and Sour. Laurel and Hardy. No matter how you slice it, it appears that the things I've been creating lately seem to reflect a decidedly split personality. These days I can't seem to decide if I'm Laverne or Shirley or Felix or Oscar. The whimsical and bright colored, sharp lines of the Halloween noise maker rattles reflect my roots in graphic design, as well as my love for all things vintage. The pensive little angel, rendered in soft, dreamy tones, is made of papier mache, and looks like she just stepped out of a Hallmark commercial. The contrast couldn't be more dramatic, unless you've been watching the stock market over the past 2 weeks. Anyway, I'm not sure just what my recent work says about my psyche. :) Maybe the bull market vs. bear market or this crazy election cycle (and all the talk about McCain and McPalin vs. Obama and O'Biden, red states vs. blue states, Washington insiders vs. small town folk, "change we can believe in" vs. "change is coming," etc.) is spilling over into my "middle-child-get-along-at-all-costs-don't-even-think-about-offending-anyone-can't-decide-between-paper-or-plastic-because-both-choices-have-merit" subconscious. Whatever the reason, I'm having a blast exploring the varied facets of my work. And by the way, they are available now at Spooky Time Jingles.
The noisemakers are really cool lady! - Check out my blog to see some of your handi work (mysterious isnt it)
- Sweet B
Love them both....see, I never really think about it. I love working with the old and grungy and aged looking pincushions, but then I love the crisp sunshine new looking ones too. I don't know if its a mood, or just what grabs you "in the moment" Always love reading what you write!! laurie
Isn't it great to be able to express the different parts of one's personality through crafting? I LOVE your sweet angel!
All of the politics- it's making me retreat into my studio even more than usual! I need to escape "the real world" quite often now. BTW, I am definitely Laverne.
Hey Cathy,
Thanks for stopping by! I've been ignoring my blog lately....so overwhelmed with getting ready for shows.
I love your noisemakers.........
I love all sides of your work and personality! (And I'm not even a middle child!)
Very fun!
In my humble opinion, I think it says you are a "well-rounded" person, and you're not afraid of getting in touch with any part of your psyche! Love your new creations....and everything you create!
(you can schedule your next appointment with my secretary on your way out) :-)
You're supposed to say "it shows my range as an artist"! I like it all-keep it up!
Love the new blog look so much!
Great writing...as usual. Beautiful work...as usual.
The love of contradiction...should be usual...good things always come of it.
Those are adorable! The angel is beautiful. You know what Cathy? This election thing is rough on us folk that aren't artistically inclined. About all that I can do is break an egg in frustration and other uncreative things. Be glad that you have an outlet. Maybe I'll break out my colored pencils and doodle. What am I thinking, I can't draw a stick man. Maybe I'll lob a tomato at the t.v tonight as the debate takes place.
Well Felix, or is it Oscar?
Either way, everything you produce is too precious!
Hi Cathy
Love your eye candy
Those rattles are 2 FUN Cathy!
Have a great weekend.
Chris :-D)
How fun those are...they made us giggle!
Have a blessed and wonderful day.
smiles, kari and kijsa
Your site always inspires me. Thanks for sharing so much talent and style. I am going to keep checking your etsy store. It looks so neat. Kara
What fantastic pieces, Cathy! You are so amazing--and I love the commentary that goes along with your photos! Smiles, lots of smiles, Jann
Your witch and white angel figures are just the sweetest things I've seen. You're very talented!
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