Story updated at 1:01 AM on Thursday, January 3, 2008
A man who beat on an ATM Tuesday night claimed he was excited about a light snowfall, but police think he and his friends may have been trying to break into the machine, Athens-Clarke police said. Officers were dispatched at about 11 p.m. to the Bank of America at the corner of Hawthorne and Prince avenues on a report of three suspicious men who were banging on an ATM, police said.
Brian B., 21, told officers he was "hitting on (the ATM) because he is a drummer and this was the first time he had ever seen snow fall," according to police. [So am I missing the obvious connection here? Snowfall = impromptu ATM jam session??] B. and one of his companions, 18-year-old Simon C., each had a backpack containing a pry bar, bolt cutters, screwdrivers, pliers, a razor knife and a flashlight, police said, and both were charged with possession of burglary tools. [That is a little odd, even for a college town. Usually in the South the mere mention of the word "snow" causes tremendous panic and otherwise rational people rush out in droves to buy mass quantities of bread and milk. Perhaps this was a milk run gone awry? Furthermore, why do people just go for bread and milk? Why not crackers and cheese. Or curds and whey? Or bolt cutters and razors? Maybe one man's bread is another man's pry bar. I'm just sayin'. . . .] The third man, 20-year-old Frank O., said if he knew his friends had the tools he wouldn't have been with them because he is trying to become a police officer, police said. [Uh, ya think?! He probably thought they were carrying loads of bread and milk. Nice detective work Sherlock.]
The three men were charged with loitering or prowling, police said.
Brian B., 21, told officers he was "hitting on (the ATM) because he is a drummer and this was the first time he had ever seen snow fall," according to police. [So am I missing the obvious connection here? Snowfall = impromptu ATM jam session??] B. and one of his companions, 18-year-old Simon C., each had a backpack containing a pry bar, bolt cutters, screwdrivers, pliers, a razor knife and a flashlight, police said, and both were charged with possession of burglary tools. [That is a little odd, even for a college town. Usually in the South the mere mention of the word "snow" causes tremendous panic and otherwise rational people rush out in droves to buy mass quantities of bread and milk. Perhaps this was a milk run gone awry? Furthermore, why do people just go for bread and milk? Why not crackers and cheese. Or curds and whey? Or bolt cutters and razors? Maybe one man's bread is another man's pry bar. I'm just sayin'. . . .] The third man, 20-year-old Frank O., said if he knew his friends had the tools he wouldn't have been with them because he is trying to become a police officer, police said. [Uh, ya think?! He probably thought they were carrying loads of bread and milk. Nice detective work Sherlock.]
The three men were charged with loitering or prowling, police said.
Loved your charming story on sewing. Mattie is 10 and I wonder if it is too young, but yet she can cut metal in the shop with her dad, I think she can handle it. What a great story you told though. I really enjoy your blog. it is always very inspiring and a very happy place. Thanks.
That's a crazy excuse with the ATM but I couldn't have thought of a better one without lots of time.
Good question re: the bread and milk. I never understood it either. Yes, we get very excited if there is a mention of snow. The old folk say that the grocers are in cahoots? with the weather men.
It is sweltering here in Jersey too. But I'm not too anxious for it to be over yet, since the tomatoes are just coming in now...yum...I just stay in the air conditioning...don't even walk out to the mailbox till about 6 or 7 pm.
As for the story, it always amazes me how, um, unintelligent people can be...
Too Funny!
Sandra Evertson
heh heh heh!!! well, you have to give him points for quick thinking in spite of the evidence that put the lie to his story!!!
Hey Cathy ~ Thanx 4 reminding me I need to hit the ATM tonight on the way home! LOL '-)
Have a great week Diva!
You are hilarious!
And thank you for making me think of snow!!!
It's so hot here in SC!
Your are HYSTERICAL CATHY!!! Great story..I especially loved your commentary!!!
Why DO people go out for bread and milk in the anticipation of a snow storm???? Not me...I go out for Hershey Bars and Ice Cream..if I'm stuck home I'm certainly not going to be sitting around eating slices of bread and drinking milk...well, I'll drink the milk with the Hershey Bars..and of course..use it for milk I do get milk before a snow storm..what of it!!!
Being from the South I too get excited when it snows-but I don't have the desire to drum! Very funny.
The excuses that criminals will come up with. Sometimes my brother is in tears (laughing) at the things they've told him, other times....UGH!
I don't think I'll be longing for these 100 degree days (and 100 plus degree heat index)this winter. I'm just not a summer girl.
I love the South, but I don't like the heat!
You always have the best local news (and crazies.)
You know, I don't really understand the bread and milk thing either...must be a southern thing. Here is another to about the "Slow, funeral" signs. I mean, there isn't an acutal's just the house. And how does slowing down help???? Ahh, the mystery of the south.
Oh that is so funny. I just think the threat of snow brings out all kinds of crazy in folks. I like that drummer excuse, though....
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