1. Where is your cell phone? Table
2. Where is your significant other? Work
3. Your hair color? Graying
4. Your mother? Perfect
5. Your father? Genius
6. Your favorite thing? Life
7. Your dream last night? Forgettable
8. Your dream/goal? Survival ["I'm tired of following my dreams. I'm just gonna ask where they're going and meet up later." ~ Mitch Hedberg]
9. The room you're in? Playroom [Not much playing going on here anymore, since this room has become more of a storage room.]
10. Your hobby? Laundry [Four kids--it's all I do.]
11. Your fear? Spiders [Thanks to the old movie, "The Fly," I saw on TV when I was 10 years old. . . "Help me, help me."]
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Home [It's where the heart is. But not in the laundry room. ]
13. Where were you last night? Home [So, I'm boring.]
14. What you're not? Organized
15. One of your wish-list items? Closets [See answer to #9. It's like they say: "One can never be too thin, or have too many closets."]
16. Where you grew up? Anytown, USA [A wonderful, idyllic blend of Our Gang, Leave it to Beaver, Peanuts, and Little House on the Prairie.]
17. The last thing you did? Painted
18. What are you wearing? Sweats
19. Your TV? Off [I'm tired of politics. My suggestion, and perhaps there is a growing consensus for this: hold elections "Survival"-style, where each week one contestant-candidate is voted off the island until the season finale. Or make them all eat bugs and swim in muck like "Fear Factor." I think it might work.]
20. Your pet? Friendly [And, no, he's not. You can read about his antics here, here, here, and here.]
21. Your computer? Failing. [It's making weird groaning and creaking noises lately, and sometimes behaves badly.]
22. Your mood? Rebellious [I guess you can see that I haven't limited all my answers to one word. So sue me. :)
23. Missing someone? Nope [I'm pretty sure everyone's accounted for.]
24. Your car? Minivan [The day I became officially middle-aged.]
25. Something you're not wearing? Glasses [Not because I don't need them. But I already suffer the humiliation of driving a minivan.]
26. Favorite store? Thrift [But as a germ-a-phobe, I have to wash my hands immediately afterward, and sterilize the things I buy.]
27. Your summer? Short
28. Love someone? Children
29. Your favorite color? All
30. When is the last time you laughed? Today [My daughter sends the funniest text messages.]
31. Last time you cried? Unsure. [My other daughter says, "I'm not crying, I'm just vomiting from my eyes."]
And while we're at it, I was also nominated by Alias Liz Jones for an award. You may also know her as Liz Jones. She has such a wonderful sense of humor if you haven't had a chance to visit her. I also was nominated by Julie to write 6 random things about myself. See the above list. She's got a great blog too, btw. And I was nominated about a million years ago by Sam at Gollywobbles for an award that I'm just now getting around to mentioning. Thanks! If you like all things prim, go on over and check out her lovely creations. And a million and half years ago, I was tagged by Ginger to list 6 random things about myself. Again, I think the above list should fill the bill. And a billion years ago, Jann nominated me for an award. She has such a wonderful blog, filled with old movie clips and beautiful pics too.