Tres is a free spirit who embraces her "outside cat" and rarely sneaks into the house, unlike Friendly, her 18 pound counterpart. And not only that, for about a year Tres was a boy cat until I took him to the vet to be neutered and discovered that "he" was really a "she". The technician called me the morning of his surgery to break the news: "Did you know that Tres is a girl and she is already in heat?" To which I responded, "What?! Are you sure? [As if a vet wouldn't be able to know that.] I've never really become acquainted with his. . .er. . .her nether regions. So. . . I guess that changes things, right?" Yeah, about a $70 dollar extra charge change of things.
You see, originally, when Black Cat Vol. 2 disappeared mysteriously, and it became obvious that he was probably in the Great Litter Box Beyond, the youngest one's tears started to flow. So my strong, manly husband caved in and promised her a Vol. 3 cat. And it just so happened that one of his co-worker's cats had just downloaded a litter of black kittens a few weeks earlier. I love animals, but I did not want our own little "sequel maker", so my only requirement was that they bring home a male cat who would live outside. (You may recall some of my previous encounters with our other "outside" cat, Friendly, who chooses not to believe that his home is on the other side of our kitchen door.) So Little One and Dad picked out a frisky little male kitten and she named him Tres. Problem was that this little kitty was beyond frisky-- it was more like a demon cat from H-E-"double hockey sticks". Once new-kitty came to our house it went berserk and literally climbed up my leg. (I can't be sure that Friendly did not have something to do with this. Perhaps a whisper in new-kitty's ear about his two predecessors.) So if Vol. 3 was to survive and avoid an untimely end, and my legs were to avoid looking like shredded wheat, something had to be done, and quickly. So, a deal was struck, and Tres went back to momma cat for a few more weeks of maturing. When he returned, he was larger and much, much sweeter, and we even commented on the difference in personality. I asked, "This doesn't even seem like the same cat, does it? Now are you sure this is a boy-cat?" To which my dear husband responded, "Of course it's a male. Gah, I grew up on a farm. Don't you think I would know?" Hmmmm.
Tres. Great story. And don't you just love a man who grew up "the farm" and knows all the important things in life, like how to gender a cat? LOL We've sure had our share of cats here at Sweet Woodruff Acres! When we bought our place a pregnant cow, a cat, a freezer full of food and an organ were all included in the deed! I wish I could tell stories like you do, for with that deed combination I have some to tell!
We have ONE cat left. ALL the others are perpetually "roaming" the woods behind our place. Just one cat will do the trick when it comes to securing our home borders against the rodents. (He's a 24/7 outdoor kind-a guy.)
What a great story, as usual!! Tres is adorable...I hope he...errr she will be in the family a long time:o)!
Great Post!! (LOL) ;~)
Tres is a beauty. What a great story.
Cute story Cathy!
Did you take that pic of Tres right after "she" discovered that the brilliant humans thought she was a "he"?!! LOL Cracked me up!
Smiles, Karen
Excellent story. We have a black cat as well. Pixie is the first cat that we have owned, who will talk to us constantly! Our other cats always went with the flow, but Pixie likes to tell us what to do and how to do it. Is your Tres a vocal cat? Susan
Great post!!!!!
Black Eyed Susan,
Tres is incessantly vocal with a scratchy, 40-year smoker kind of voice, which is really her only drawback.
photo credits to your oldest daughter...
she is a cutie:) and don'tcha just love "free cats", our two cost me around $650 dollars...de~clawing and neutering...arrrrgh...i shoulda went to vet school!!!
GORGEOUS black cat!!! :)
Hope you have a great & creative week Cathy.
Spooky Hugs,
What a great photo...funny post...I have 3 cats...2 too many!
I loved the story and I do adore kitties...Have an awesome Tuesday...Mary
Too funny, and Tres is absolutely adorable!!
Happy Earth Day Cathy!
CK :)
Guess what? I blogged about our deeded cow and cat! Thanks for the push to tell the story, or at least part of it!
Tres is a beautiful cat.....even if she isn't a boy.....very funny.
I bet tres ate the rabbits....she looks guilty.
Loved this post. We have had many a cat through these doors. I am really upset with our newest he broke one of my cloches. What was that movie "that darn cat"
Cathy.............your CAT tails are absolutely Hiladious! I had read some of your past posts but now they all tie together! lol You should write comedy!
=D *Lori
LOL... we have a male black cat and he can be quite a crabby devil sometimes but other times very loving. I think he has a split
personality. I hope #3 has a long
happy life.
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