Most of my cherished dolls are at my mom's home in Tennessee where I grew up. But I've retrieved the camera from my Littlest One and managed to snap a few pics of some dolls here that belong to my girls. I'm only a day late for
Lori's Dolly Day.

This pic shows my Littlest One's American Girl Josephina doll and a papier mache string puppet my
Oldest Girl made in 5th grade for a class presentation. It's Susan B. Anthony and you can just barely see her "Votes for Women" banner. Susan B. is showing her age a bit now, and looks like she may be pleading for the current election cycle to end soon. :)
These are the dolls my Oldest Girl has in her curio cabinet. One of my favorites is a sweet little corn husk doll made by a local artist. We bought it at a Folk Art Festival in town. The larger corn husk doll in the back was made by my own daughter. We spent an entire weekend making her--and on Monday, she was planning to take her for show and tell at school in first or second grade. Dear Daughter grabbed a Sharpie and quickly scribbled on a face. The ink spread more than she had anticipated. She was heartbroken by the smeared ink, and we spent a hurried few minutes trying to "fix" the smile. All was well when we added a few tiny eyelashes, and a quick hug.
This is part of my Middle Girl's collection. She loves figurines more than dolls. My favorite is the little girl in the white dress near the lamp. Her dress is a delicate filigree. I also love the ballerina in the back.
This little vignette is in a little cabinet in my kitchen. The two pilgrim dolls were given to me by my sister when we were kids. I've always loved them. ( The blocks are vintage, and the thimbles were given to me by my kids over the years.)
Addendum: And I forgot to add these pics of my favorite dolls!
My girls with their dolls several years ago.

"Nash-ville" at Easter.

My four kids. "Four?" you say. Yes, if you look closely in the top of the pic my son is on the ground in the cloud of dust just above Pink Shirt Girl. He wiped out just when I clicked the pic. Very big of him.