You may be like me and think, "I never win anything." One of the few raffles our family ever won involved a turkey. My kids attended a carnival at school many years ago, and each guessed the number of jellybeans in a jar to win a free turkey. Wow, a free turkey! At 50 cents a pop, I thought it was money well spent, since our family does eat occasionally, and the money raised was going to support the school; plus it kept each kid engrossed in the counting for several minutes. (Mothers with four small children will pay big money to have 5 minutes of sanity.) Soon it was on to funnel cakes and face painting, and the jelly bean turkey raffle was quickly forgotten. Monday rolled around and my oldest jumped off the bus carrying some sort of wood and chicken-wire box. "What on earth have they been doing in art class these days?" I wondered as my son ran to the car and proudly announced that HE was the lucky raffle grand prize winner. Well, technically, he didn't win, but all of the other "winners'" moms wouldn't let them take home the prize. Somehow I missed that memo, because this "grand prize" just happened to still be covered in feathers and was staring at me. . . . and gobbling. I would have been happier with second prize, which was a jar and 1253 jelly beans.

P.S. In case you're wondering, our turkey received a name, and a full presidential pardon. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
[Originally posted in 2007]
Miss Cathy, that is the funniest story! What ever did happen to that turkey? Did y'all keep him as a pet?
I'll bet your son was so happy that he "won"! I can just see a sweet faced little boy grinning from ear to ear.... how sweet!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Many Blessings,
Oh Cathy! Too funny! You are a hoot! I LOVE your posts! (:
Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful! hugs~Kathy
Finding it hard to believe it has been so long since I visited to catch up with you....and laughing till my sides hurt about this blog post. Sorry, I shouldn't have said I was laughing...but it did make my day!!!! I thought I was the only one to have school stories of my kids' that are real doozies!!
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