ool!! Man, oh man, do I love a new blog-trick!! Just when I think I'm an old dog who is woefully stuck in the technological Dark Ages, along comes something that makes learning a new trick easy. I discovered
this blog with super-easy instructions for inserting an ititial cap at the beginning of a paragraph, and the rest is, well, you can see the result! The site even provides the funky letters. The only hard part is trying to come up with enough mindless ramblings....er.....interesting thoughts to wrap around the letter. So as luck would have it, I have much to share today. According to some very informative emails I received, apparently today is my lucky day. Not only was I notified that I am a
Winner! Winner! Winner! of some on-line contest I never even entered, but I was also urged to
Hurry! Find R@ plica Rolex watches--cheAp!! I also found out that my
LoaN ApprVa1 is ready even though I never applied for one. I was also informed that I can get my online diploma today, that I can buy cheap meds online (although I'm not sure these meds are intended for women), and that my $50,000 in winnings is waiting. Perhaps one of the more curious parts is that some of these emails are dated 1/18/38. I'm not sure if that means I've received a mystic message from the future, or one from a very forward thinking techno-geek. And the good news just keeps coming. . . just now I see an email saying that some woman whom I've never met from Kenya has selected me -- little, old me -- out of all the millions of people in the world, to inherit her massive wealth. I'm thinking I might need to invest in the stock market.
Hi, Cathy! Just found your blog through Farm Chicks--love it! I'm a vintage girl, so I love all the images you post! Also, thanks for the blog tip you posted today---I'm also a font freak & love someone's made this available! Going to go & check it out--thanks for sharing this! I'll be back often.
I love figuring out new blog stuff, too!! So fun!! enJOY your day!!
To Funny !all that you won Way back then TEE HEE
that is very cool!!!
hee hee...don't you love that spam? i had one this morning offering to sell me "dirty muslim movies"...huh?
Hahaha -- I'll see your spam from the future and raise you one from Russia! Aren't we the luckiest???
I get a ton of emails from Russia, too- I wish I read Cryllic(is that what that funny alphabet is called??) I'm sure they are hilarious. I'm probably missing out on my free millions also!
LOL! Ohmygosh...its just downright scary huh? The only thing better is getting the key (to the vehicle) in the mail AND the free vaca all in one day! Yep. And we know what PT Barnum said......
yapping cat
Maybe we can get rich together...I also was to be the recipient of millions.lol.
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