Am I the only one who gets just a bit nervous when posting a message or filling out some online form, and then at the end, you have to try to figure out those funky letters which are supposed to weed out "robots." I'm sure I spend waaaay too much time studying those odd looking letters or numbers, and hesitate just a bit too long when it's time to click the "next" button. What if I'm wrong---is that a "t" or a really tall "r"? And if I can't quite figure out if it's a 9 or a lower case "g," will I be sent directly to robot purgatory or added to some robot watch list?! When I do get it wrong, I feel just a little chastised as an entire set of NEW characters appears. Maybe some Big Brother robot is snickering, "Here, dummy, try these."
I know it's not rocket science, but as I move my mouse to click "next," I can't help imagining the old robot from Lost in Space warning, "Danger Will Robinson. . . I think that was a 9!!"
[Sorry, this is a re-post from exactly 2 years ago today, but it is so apropos--apparently I'm still plagued with these same verification-deciphering issues. It took me 3 tries to post a comment today on someone's blog.....I'm just wondering when the cyber-verification-patrol will take away my commenting privileges. Either that, or they'll send me a prescription for some stronger reading glasses. ~cn]
I can completely relate! I have great vision and I still can't tell what some of these symbols are supposed to be. Sometimes there are "scratches" through the letters that are like, "is that part of the symbol or is that the part that's supposed to hide it?" Errgh! Can I just sign on the dotted line, "I promise I am not a robot. Love, Veronica"?
Cathy- you are a hoot!! I swear- I stop by just for giggles!! Oh- and to say HI!!!!
Hugs to ya!!
Kanikis Prims & Whims
Oh god I hate them too
ha ha!!! that is actually how i found out that i did need reading glasses...i couldn't make out some of those word verifications to save my soul...i think some of them are still tricky...even WITH my readers!!!
OMG! You did it again= you made me laugh so hard I almost peed myself!!! I do the exact same thing%{ Oh I can't wait to see what you are gonna come up with next:>
This is so true... I too have wondered how many tries do you get before they say, "out"? I think all this is valid fodder for a manual.
Those word verifications drive me NUTS! I don't mind so much if they're on the same page as the comment, but when you have to hit send and then WAIT for the word verification to pop up -- what a HUGE time waster. I'm sure I've lost many a comment 'cause I wrecklessly close windows thinking I've already comment verified. I don't understand why some people have them and some don't -- there must be a way go get around them!
So true! That drives me crazy!
I'm a sucker for anything Lost in Space. Love the photo!
Oh my gosh! That is so funny!
No, you're not alone -- I do the same thing all the time!
I never get word verifications right on the first try!! I definitely understand your pain!! LOL!!
Popping in to say a belated hello!
Have a great weekend!
LOL! I know, right? I had one tell me (OK, well not tell me, but you know, give me a msg), that I had left too many comments in a row. My validity was being questioned. Wha? Seriously? What's it coming to I tell ya. And what do those robots do anyway? Just sit around and leave comments? Maybe they are the ones that call me to tell me my meds are in (at the pharmacy) too? LOL.
yapping cat
So funny, and it just happened to me! Extremely apropos! I loved that show and that robot--ah memories!
I HATE those things! Sometimes they seem very sensitive and sometimes it seems like they accept anything so long as you've typed something. Oh well! Thanks for the Twitter follow :)
This is sooooo true! Grin...now...why the heck do they have to be so darn hard! By the way...your Tuesday post is priceless!
I love visiting you! I mess up my home and work zip codes all the time!! Ugh! Hope all is well Grace
YEP! I agree!
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