SpookyTimeJingles has been accepted as a vendor in the National Halloween Convention at the Valley Forge Convention Center on April 10-11. The show is in King of Prussia, PA (King of Prussia, PA. . . how cool is that?!) and features all things Halloween. There are tons of booths including handmade artwork, t-shirts, spooky make-up, contests, door prizes, etc, etc, etc. It sounds like such a blast! Sadly I won't be able to travel for this event but if I could squeeze myself inside a USPS Flat Rate box I'd be on my way in a skinny minute. . . {{{insert Brando voice}}} ". . . I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender, I coulda been somebody. . ." So the next best thing--several of my pieces are gearing up for the road trip via Priority Mail.
Many other STJ artists will also be sending their wonderful, one-of-a-kind treasures to the convention; so if you're anywhere near PA, stop over, have a look, and say hey to Dani, the master-mind behind STJ. Tell her Marlon sent you.
(P. S. You can find out more about the convention here.)
*Apologies to Mr. Brando :)
Halloween is one of my fave holidays! It is so much fun! I love to decorate my house, heck...I still love dressing up! That sounds like it would be a blast!
Congratulations!! I wish you could attend... if you want I could come over and see if I can help you fit into that Flat Rate box;-)
Can't wait to see what you come up with lady!
I am working my 'lil fingers to the bone trying to finish my pieces - YIKES
congratulations! hope you do well!
you crack me up:)
that is great, too bad you can't be there...i bet it is going to be lots of fun!!!
That would be alot of fun. I wish you were able to go. What a bummer!
I am sure your pieces will do very well in the show.
Thanks for the comment on my post, I love the painting too, I wish I knew who painted it.
Ooh, Halloween is my favorite holiday too. How cool, another Halloween in April! That makes me happy. It's too bad you won't be able to accompany your work in person, but I hope the show goes great for you!
You have been awarded by CK!
Come check me out for details.
Have a GREAT weekend & enjoy!
PS: Hope the STJ showing at the show will be a BIG success. Wished I could go too!
Chris (-:
Love Mr. Brando and Love Halloween!!!
Yikes-A-Mighty!! I know you are wantin' to be there, but at least you be there in spirit (haha)
So many talented artists on STJ...they will certainly do blogland proud!
Actually, my daughter goes to college about 20 minutes from there.... sounds like a good excuse for a visit!!!
I think King of Prussia sounds like a very nice place to visit, so sorry you aren't able to make the trip. But congrats on your fun pieces being able to go!
Aww I can't beleive you can't go. I have to try to make it I am about 2 1/2 hours away. I am glad some of your things will make it. Maybe another time! Hugs Grace
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