In spite of what Alice learned in Wonderland (that you can learn a lot of things from the flowers) I have discovered that you should never, ever, under any circumstances trust a flower. When I spoke in my last post about my recent encounter with our first daffodils, the beacons of spring, the harbingers of warmer weather, apparently I was listening to a bunch of lilly-livered, yellow bellied, bloomin' liars.
Because on Sunday, March 1, this. . .

Led to this. . .

Which led to some of this. . .

And a ton of this. . .

And this. . .

And this :)


And then. . . . THIS. . .
Which led to a bit of this. . .

And after 7" of snow, 20 degree temps and 48 hours trapped inside a house with two pesky dogs, no electricity, no water, and no heat
we were eventually left with this. . .
But thanks to Jackson EMC's diligent effort, we have re-entered the modern era--we've all had a warm bath and a hot meal and I would kiss Thomas Edison right now if I could. From now on, instead of listening to forcasting flowers, my money's on this guy. . .

Oh I love that post, it made me laugh...sorry but it did. Now I think snow is magical and that is because we will never ever get it where I live ( Queensland Australia) and therefore do not have to deal with no water, electricity or cranky puppies inside the house. I love the snowy pictures, they are wonderful.
Thanks for sharing your little adventure...and whenever I see Daffodils now I will think of them as liars!
Kiss Noises Linda
ok...the dog...baring it's teeth...yeah, that's scaring me!!! LOL!!!
i hope you had fun playing in the snow!!!
Ooops, sorry about the power. That's NO fun. You can never, ever trust a daffodil. I'm surprised they've survived evolution the way they are always frozen!
LOL..........ooops...sorry about all your snow but I enjoyed your post very much...glad you got your power back!
Oh, my heck! as they say in Utah! What a great photo story! Sorry about the snow, yes our daffodils are staring to show up, no blooms yet, but they probably heard about the cooler weather over the next week. Glad your power is back on!
The worst part of no electricity is no INTERNET! But my what a bonding time. Glad you are back in this century.
Well, in all fairness to Alice, she did say you could "learn a lot" from the flowers! She didn't say you could trust them, LOL!
Your lily livered yellow bellied bloomin' liars part gave me a chuckle! :)
Damn groundhog!!!
I feel your pain, we go a foot of the FUN white stuff here in MD!
Stay warm. '-)
LOL! It all looks so fluffy and dreamy until reality sets in.
We just missed the snow storm and at first I was bummned. But after reading yours and Christy's at Farm Dreams accounts, I'll just be content with looking at pictures.
Glad your power has been restored. Hopefully warmer days are heading our way:-)
Giggling here - I never, ever trust daffodils, lol!
~ Carolee
Thanks so much for putting the Ashers bunch button on your blog. All this pr should give her business a boost.
You must be very close to my parents...they live near Hartwell in Dewy Rose GA. Their EMCpower failed them on Monday too but came back on about 4:30 in the afternoon. Thanks goodness they have a generator to run the well pump and a good fireplace. The snow looks beautiful, though.
thanks again,
ROFL! I guess your survived the great snow of '09...which is good. Weather, is a fickle friend. LOL. Glad you got to get warm and toasty again.
ps...won't tell you that it is 71 here today and supposed to be in the 80's tomorrow...where is my spring?
Yeah we got 10" here in NJ. We actually ran out of oil on Saturday afternoon- thank
God we have a wonderful oil man who came out within the hour, otherwise we would have frozen to death over Sunday.
We were once without electric and water for 4 days- those Little House on the Prairie books just don't seem that charming after about 2 hours without heat and running water! Welcome back to civilized society!
Your post was hilarious! We got the snow too- 12in.
Oh ya, March came in like a lion!
Only in Reece Whitherspoon said, "You need a passport to come down here."
Wow--hope you're nice and warm now and that spring comes to you soon! We have to move our clocks forward this weekend---UGH---
I am so jealous!!!! We didn't even get a flurry! And you are so south of us!!! Beautiful pictures :)
Soooo funny! Glad to hear you heat is back on.
Hugs :)
But it looks so pretty!! :)
A great post with wonderful pictures!!! We find how much we depend on electricity in cases like this. A warm bath and a warm meal can seem such a luxury!! Sometimes I wonder if I would have made it as a pioneer??!!
It looked fun for a few photos, and then.......well, the dogs say it all!
Glad you are out from down under.
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