Recently I was given this award by Chris at
Designs by CK. WooHoo! Thanks Chris! If you haven't already discovered Chris's artwork, click over and check it out. He does the most wonderful Halloween pen and ink drawings.
Now I'm supposed to write about 7 favorite things. Here is my list which includes things which may or not necessarily be favorites. Some of these are just things that seem to define my life.
1. Denial. (It's the "state" I live in, constantly. Just crown me the Queen. Oh, to live in a world without mirrors or cameras. . . my greatest fantasy. I'm quite certain that's why someone invented Photo-shop.)
2. Chocolate. (The reason for item # 1. . . Size 2, I barely knew you.)
3. Bread.
(The other reason for #1.)
4. Glitter.
(It's a love/hate relationship. I love to use the stuff, but hate to clean up afterwards. Even the dog gets glittered sometimes, and usually unintentionally.)
5. My kids. (I just love those guys! We love to laugh and laugh and laugh. They also end up getting glittered sometimes, and also usually unintentionally.)
6. Laundry; mountains and mountains of laundry.
(The story of my life, and usually a direct result of #5; and, you may have noticed, laundry seems to be a recurring theme here in Tadpole and Teacup-land.)
7. Procrastination.
(The other story of my life. And it's the reason #6 continues to grow. )
Now. . . to tag 7 others, but I'll have to do that later.
(See item #7.)
P.S. Don't forget about my "Marching into April" Giveaway. Only a few more days to sign up. Just click the badge in the sidebar and it will take right to the post.