Friday, January 14, 2011

Rain (or snow) On My Tin Roof

This song makes me smile.
And maybe I needed a smile today because I am getting tired of snow and ice, and shoveling snow, and scraping ice, and fighting with boots that keep eating my socks, and contending with a temperamental heater, and cold feet, and wiping up snow and ice, and cleaning up mud, and having to give wet muddy dogs a bath, and washing 18 loads of towels and socks and gloves, and then listening to myself complain about snow and ice, and shoveling snow, and scraping ice, and fighting with boots that keep eating my socks.....

I think that cabin fever has set in and the only cure for cabin fever (and snow and ice, etc.) is lots of sunshine and warmer days, and perhaps waiting patiently for Spring, and listening to songs that make me smile.


Grace said...

Oh I hope you keep smiling sweetie! I want the Spring to come already!! Hugs Grace

Thimbleanna said...

Oh no! What you need is a good neighbor where you can go to sip tea and eat yummy cookies! And definitely, don't move north LOL!