“…a venturesome spirit impels me to use words of sight and sound whose meaning I can guess only from analogy and fancy. This hazardous game is half the delight, the frolic, of daily life.
I glow as I read of splendours which the eye alone can survey. Allusions to moonbeams and clouds do not emphasize the sense of my affliction: They carry my soul beyond affliction's narrow actuality. "
-Helen Keller
I glow as I read of splendours which the eye alone can survey. Allusions to moonbeams and clouds do not emphasize the sense of my affliction: They carry my soul beyond affliction's narrow actuality. "
-Helen Keller
Helen was really something!!! she really was an amazing person!!! that quote is awesome...thanks for sharing!!!
Wow! How fortunate we are to have the gift of sight and hearing. Helen Keller was so amazing -- I can't possibly fathom how she was able to learn to communicate without the senses that we take for granted every day!
Thank you for that :-) .... Hugs.. Melissa
The quote is wonderful. Indeed, she is a spectacular person.
Great HK quote!!
Thanks for the visit and fun comment, too.
I must read more about Helen Keller. What a great quote.
Every time I see something by Helen Keller I am in awe at how amazing she was, thanks for posting.
That is truly something to think about. So much for us all to appreciate.
Hi... I don't see any teacups here, but your blog title brought me in! ;) I'm having a teacup party on Mother's Day on my blog and I'm inviting you! Come see!
Hi Cathy, the painting and poem are beautiful. Hope you are doing well.
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