Addendum to this post.
[I don't know what it is about our town lately but here it is, another story from our local newspaper involving crime and teeth. Teeth, of all things! And crime. What's up with that?? In all honestly, mostly I'm just posting this article so I can use my ridiculously bad pun, "Tooth or Dare." Or maybe I should have used this one: "Tooth or Consequences"!! Or what about this: "Tooth is Stranger Than Friction"!! HAHA!!! I probably need to stop now. It's only funny until someone gets hurt. So.......at the risk of being type-cast as just another blog about 'dental-hijinks,' here we go. Oh, wait, what about, "Tooth's Company, Three's a Crowd." Okay, that's it.....I promise!! ~cn]
Man loses tooth in 'boy band' insult
A man called police on Friday to file a report about a fight downtown last Wednesday that left him without a front tooth, according to Athens-Clarke police.
The victim - an underage University of Georgia student - was outside Boar's Head, 260 Washington St., about 2:30 a.m., when he told a group of young men they looked like a boy band, according to the officer's report.
One member of the group punched the victim in the mouth, knocking out one of his front teeth, the victim told police. He sought medical attention, but could not save the tooth and has spent thousands of dollars for treatment since the Sept. 2 fight, he told the officer.
The victim - an underage University of Georgia student - was outside Boar's Head, 260 Washington St., about 2:30 a.m., when he told a group of young men they looked like a boy band, according to the officer's report.
One member of the group punched the victim in the mouth, knocking out one of his front teeth, the victim told police. He sought medical attention, but could not save the tooth and has spent thousands of dollars for treatment since the Sept. 2 fight, he told the officer.
Originally published in the Athens Banner-Herald on Sunday, September 13, 2009
P.S. Image orginally found here.
[P.S. Kinda makes you want to go brush your teeth, or floss or something, doesn't it? ~cn]
Shudder. That would hurt so much! I guess one had best keep one's Menudo comments to oneself these days. And that's the tooth.
menudo? oh, i am DYING!!! seriously...my sister used to be in love with them...and would probably strangle me for making that public knowledge...funny story Cathy!!!
Thanks for the suggestions re: showing my items. I am going to search your site for your posting about your own adventure! I appreciate your words of wisdom!
I still can't believe you have a picture of MENUDO...Vamos a la playa!
Now, this is a story we can really "Sink Our Teeth Into".
Sounds like Athens needs a visit from McGruff...he can give a class to locals on the best way to "Take A Bite Out Of Crime".
Oh, thank you so much for posting these. You made me laugh so hard! Please keep me updated on the teeth situation:)
Honestly, my newspaper is just downright boring compared to yours. Apparently the people in our newsroom have no sense of humor!
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