For my regular readers or those who follow this blog, you may have noticed that sometimes I publish a post, then edit and re-post, and possibly even edit and post a 3rd time--all within a few minutes. Yes, I know there is the draft application where I'm supposed to make all the changes and then post the final version. But it just takes me several tries to get to the final version. I can work on a post in the draft section, get things just so, then hit "Publish," and suddenly it's as if a million mistakes or awkward phrases spontaneously generate, and it's all I can see. I try to convince myself that no one will notice that I spelled "intimidating" without a "d," and that it totally changes the meaning of the sentence. The readers will figure out what I meant, right? My rational side tries to convince my semi-neurotic side that it's okay that the picture posted in the wrong place. Who's going to care?? I try to tell myself that it's the nature of the blog world to be fresh, that things in blog-land are supposed to be spontaneous; and of course, everyone understands that a spelling error or dangling modifier will crop up occasionally. It's not like we're being graded, right?? But somehow I just can't help myself. I have to change it. I just have to.
My apologies, but it really speaks volumes about my personality, which borders on OCPD --Obsessive Compulsive Posting Disorder. I seem to be plagued by this weird blend of obsessive perfectionism, poor spelling, woefully inept computer skills, and fear of commitment. (And sometimes, Blogger has some serious spacing issues which, to this former graphic designer, is akin to scraping fingernails on a chalkboard. Seriously.) The condition is quite disabling and it is no small wonder that I manage to post at all. I'd find a 12 step program for the problem, but sadly, it probably wouldn't do much good anyway -- there's just no telling how long it would take me to complete the program, having to repeat each of the steps at least eighteen times.
Again, my apologies. . . and until there is a cure, or my family forces an intervention, quite possibly you may be reading the 4th generation of this, and every other post.
*[Apologies to the Commodores too. ~cn]
Cathy!! This is SO funny, I am the EXACT same way!! I want to proof it ON the blog itself and then go back and correct spelling, spacing, returns...you get the picture but I was a graphic designer for 20 years, it's just in our blood I guess! How cool, so does this mean I have OCPD? Oh well, who care, if it's wrong I don't wanna be right :) xxoo, Dawn
Cathy, this is so funny! i have struggles with the same issues on blogger...i finally figured out that i can type words up to the little eraser on the tool bar without getting my spacing all wonky...
Hm. Must run in the family.
LOL!!! I love it! I am glad I am not the only one that has that disorder. Glad to know that it has a name:-)
Thanks for the giggles!
OK GIRLS..... Glad to know that I am not the only blogger who does this!! I can't stand to find a mistake and what's worse... My husband has my password just in case I miss something, he has my permission to go in and make changes. LOL
Thank you for making me feel a little normal or helping me to realize there are others out in blogland as "nutty" as me. LOL
Bad thing about this whole blog thing, I still have not figured out a way to correct my comments!!!
DANG anotjher misxtake!
I do the same thing, post, then edit, because with Typepad, it looks different posted than in progress.
I have the same problem, and now I have a name for it....OCPD, and here I was hoping no one would notice!
Blessings ~ Eileen
Well I'm glad to know I'm not the only one!!! I do it all the time...although I'm not sure I like the idea that I might be OCD lol
I think we belong to the same club.
(cute pic of you over there on the sidebar too...why have I not seen that before?)
Oh, we should start a group on Facebook: "Bloggers who edit in real time instead of using the preview feature". I am right there with you! Thank you for visiting my blog, it's nice to meet you! Any friend of Kari and Kijsa's...
Good Lord, there's someone like me out there? Heaven help us! Smiles, Jann
It's good to know that so many people have the same proofreading issues!! You are NOT alone!!! Love your blog - I am going to add it to my blogrolls- it fits in with both my blogs- living in the country and artsy!
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