Here's a list of the rules:
1. Post the award on your blog.
2. Link me for giving it to you.
3. Link the originating post here
4. Pass the award on to five more deserving people.
5. Post these rules for your recipients
2. Link me for giving it to you.
3. Link the originating post here
4. Pass the award on to five more deserving people.
5. Post these rules for your recipients
Now the part about passing it on. Oh. . . I'm so not good at this part. I guess it's the middle-child in me that finds it hard to pass along these sorts of things. There are so many in the blog-world that are deserving and it's simply hard to choose. It seems to be my lot in life. "Decisive" is definitely not my middle name.
For the record, when I was a kid, I was always "It." Not that I didn't enjoy a good race or a fun game of tag; I just couldn't ever seem to catch anyone. Oh there was always the easy pickings of the deer-in-headlights-kid or the kid on crutches who was more slow and awkward than I was. But everyone seemed to tag them-- they were always the go-to kids, the slow pokes. And I often just didn't have the heart to tag them too. Besides, it was just easier to run around half-heartedly chasing the others, so as not to hurt anyone's feelings. So, in keeping with my middle-kid, people pleaser heritage, I've chosen to just give some links for you, dear Readers, and not the "tags."
I have laughed out loud over the past months at some of the posts offered at these sites. Have fun: Momo Fali, The Pioneer Woman, Barking Mad, A Bit Squirrelly, The Mental Pause
(P.S. Some of these may be rated PG.)
(P.P.S. Alias Liz Jones, I didn't get a chance to wish you well before your 3.00 ran out at Typepad. So sorry to see you float off into the blog-o-sphere. And please be sure to send my regards to your chicken. See ya around.)
Awwwwww! You are REALLY too kind. Ya know, today has been completely craptastic and this put a HUGE smile on my face. I'm glad I can make you laugh from time to time!
BTW, did Alias Liz vanish into the ether? I tried to go to her site but kept getting a 404 error. :-(
I can't believe I forgot to say THANK YOU!
*smacking head*
congrats to you:) i will have to check out the other sites you recommended...i need some more funny in my life right now...
BIG congrats on your award IT girl! '-P)
congrats on the awards and thanks for stopping by nice to see you again :)
I hear you about passing on the awards. I feel obligated to do it, but I want everyone to have it. HAHA.. But you are right. soooooo nice to be recognized!(sp.)
Have a great night.
Talk to you soon
Sorry the above message is from me.. Fantastic Figments AKA Steph.. *cough* some one didn't sign out properly *cough*
Oh my, I'd give Auds a PG-13 ;) Congrats on your award, and thanks for stopping in. i look forward to reading more of you, I'm always looking for great G rated sites.
Checking in to say hello .... hope all is well... loving all your goodies...
As always your art is stupendous
Aw shucks! Thank you!
Cathy, you're too nice for not chasing the slow kids around. I think that it really is the middle child in you. I will send your regards to sweet little Cookie, and I'll be back to check up on your blog.
Thanks for the blogging friendship.
Thanks Liz. Maybe Cookie will start her own blog some day. ;)
Even though I am an oldest child, I would never tag the slow pokes either- that's just my super (over)sensitive nature... I also ALWAYS root for the underdog...
Looking forward to visiting those sites- I could use a good laugh!
PS I find you to be EXTREMELY funny, too, Cathy.
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